$22- BUY NOW!

During this 2-hour group session, The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective share their perspective on current events and energy trends. Topics include: 

  • The Pleiadian perspective on the U.S. election
  • The existence of mythical creatures
  • Choosing reality rather than aligning with predictions
  • Balancing the highs and lows of daily life
  • Holding your resonance in the presence of challenging people and situations
  • Soul contracts surrounding death and those left behind
  • Discerning galactic information
  • Releasing fear and anxiety
  • Healing your emotional and energetic wounds
  • Seeing the lessons in challenging events
  • And much more!

The guides also share a Language of Light activation to support you in standing in your power, discernment, and excitement and hope about the future.


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